1. Filing an Income Tax Extension Form 4868 for Individuals or Form 7004 for Business is Very easy.
2. There is a very less chance that you will be audited by the IRS if you get an Income Tax Extension.
3. Filing Tax Extension is automatic, IRS doesn't ask you a single question.
4. Filing Tax Extension gives you 6 months extra time to file your Income Tax Return.
5. More than two-thirds of U.S. taxpayers e-file their taxes these days, so why shouldn't you e-file an extension request now and then e-file your taxes later?
6. There is a no penalty to Filing Tax Extension.
7. You had a child in 2010 and your tax situation is even more confusing now.
8. Filing Tax Extension is Totally Free.
9. If you File Income Tax Extension Request, you have your own Tax Deadline in October.
10. You are going to use your CPA to file your income taxes, but right now you can not afford the rates.
11. Tax extensions are inexpensive, especially compared to the penalties and interest incurred if you fail to request an extension.
12. E-filing a tax extension means you get confirmation directly from the IRS that your request has been received/approved.
13. Filing tax extension is fast ? you can do it online in just a few minutes.
14. An Income Tax Extension can be e-filed directly to the IRS.
15. You are not alone, every year more than 10 million people file an income tax extension.